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鍾昇恆 教授
摘要 :
Sulfur cathodes are inexpensive to produce and have several promising electrochemical characteristics, such as a high theoretical charge-storage capacity and active-material utilization. The advantages of sulfur cathodes benefit the pursuit of affordable, stable, and advanced lithium-ion batteries featuring a high energy density. However, despite these merits, there are barriers to a commercially viable method for producing lithium–sulfur batteries, hindering their rapid commercialization. One such barrier is that the intrinsic insulating nature of active solid-state materials and the fast and uncontrollable migration of active liquid-state materials cause a low electrochemical utilization and poor redox reversibility of sulfur, which derives challenges in electrode design and cell fabrication. Our group designs a novel method for the fabrication of metal–sulfur energy-storage materials for exploring the battery electrochemistry with high reaction kinetics and stability, and for optimizing the battery engineering with high amount of active material featuring high energy density.
學經歷 :
Ph.D. Material Science and Engineering Program, the University of Texas at Austin, USA
M.S. Department of Material Science and Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
B.S. Department of Resource Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Assistant Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan