

Engineering a Greener Future: Bioreactors for Greenhouse Gas Bioconversion

陳彥妤 教授

時間:2024年12月13日 (五) 15:10
主持人:田弘康 教授
講者:陳彥妤 教授
服務單位:中興大學 化學工程學系
講題:Engineering a Greener Future: Bioreactors for Greenhouse Gas Bioconversion

摘要 :

The increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4), in the atmosphere require the development of innovative strategies to mitigate their impact on climate change. Bioreactors offer a sustainable approach for converting these gases into valuable chemicals, integrating environmental responsibility with chemical engineering innovation. This presentation introduces gas-phase bioreactors as a promising alternative to traditional aqueous-phase systems, addressing challenges such as low reaction rates and inefficiencies in gas delivery. The aim is to demonstrate how methanotrophic bacteria can be employed for the bioconversion of methane gas into liquid methanol in an energy-efficient manner. Recent advances in cell immobilization techniques, particularly direct immobilization methods, have markedly enhanced the performance and scalability of these systems. Moreover, the potential for integrating gas-phase bioreactors with renewable energy sources and optimizing their design for industrial applications will be discussed. Furthermore, insights from microbial metabolome analysis demonstrate how gas-phase reactions alter metabolic pathways, thereby enhancing carbon utilization efficiency. These findings not only advance our understanding of microbial bioconversion mechanisms but also provide a foundation for developing novel processes, such as CO2 biomineralization and bioproduct synthesis, with the goal of achieving net-zero emissions.

學經歷 :

2013/02-2016/06    Department of CheE, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. Ph.D.
2011/09-2012/06    Department of CheE, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. M.S.
2007/09-2011/06    Department of CheE, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan. B.S.


2023/08-               Assistant Professor. Department of Chemical Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan.
2020/08-2023/04    Designated Assistant Professor. Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Japan.
2018/04-2020/07    Research Fellow. Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Japan.
2016/11-2018/03    Research Fellow. School of EEE, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.