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Biotransformation of Natural Products to Bioactive Compounds
吳俊毅 教授
摘要 :
Flavonoids exhibit substantial medicinal, antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, and cancer-prevention properties and have found extensive applications in traditional medicine, agriculture, food, cosmetics, and manufacturing for centuries. The glycosylation process, involving the addition of sugar to proteins, lipids, or other organic molecules, plays a pivotal role in numerous biological processes. Glycosylation enhances the solubility of molecules in aqueous solutions, rendering them more suitable for diverse applications while improving their bioavailability and absorption in biological systems. Some glycosylated flavonoids naturally occur in plants and are incorporated into health-promoting foods. To advance the development of compounds with potential health benefits, we devised the Predicted Data Mining Approach (PDMA). This method integrates in vitro biotransformation techniques with insights from traditional medicine, aiming to generate novel compounds for human health enhancement.
學經歷 :
國立清華大學 化學工程研究所 博士 (1991)
國立清華大學 化學工程研究所 學士 (1987)
國立金門大學 特聘教授 (2024~)
國立金門大學食品科學系 教授 (2019~)
國立金門大學食品科學系 副教授 (2017-2019)
義守大學化工系 副教授 (1995-2016)
國立金門大學 環境保護暨安全衛生中心 中心主任 (2024~)
國立金門大學 教務長 (2016-2022)
義守大學化工系 系主任 (2014-2016,2003-2006)