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ITRI’s High Efficient Carbon Capture & Utilization Technologies
摘要 :
In order to meet the net zero emission target in 2050, development of high efficient CO2 capture and utilization technology is urgent. Because of the high CO2 consumption and demand, methanol and methane are considered as target chemicals for CO2 transformation. Through the government-funded project, ITRT has developed low temperature CO2 to methanol/methane catalysts and process technology. This established the momentum for key catalysts and processes development for CO2 based chemicals conversion, serving as the foundation for driving the establishment of a new CO2-based carbon source industry domestically. Currently, ITRI has cooperated with several domestic petrochemical and steel companies (e.g. CPC, CSC, CHIMEI) to perform CO2 capture and Utilization field verification.
學經歷 :
PhD in Chemical engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, MA USA, 2011
MS in chemical engineering, NCKU, Taiwan, 2002
B.S in chemical engineering, NCKU, Taiwan, 2000
研究員, 工研院材化所化工技術組 先進觸媒研究室 2012-2020
技術經理, 工研院材化所化工技術組 先進觸媒研究室2020-2022
部門經理, 工研院材化所化工技術組 先進觸媒研究室2022~