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Process Design for Conversion of FOG to Renewable fuel (Waste-to-Energy Technology)
Prof. Karthickeyan Viswanathan
時間:2021年05月21日 (五) 15:10
主持人:吳意珣 教授
講者:Prof. Karthickeyan Viswanathan
服務單位:Chemical Engineering, NCKU (visiting)
講題:Process Design for Conversion of FOG to Renewable fuel (Waste-to-Energy Technology)
摘要 :
Waste-to-energy plays a vital role in satisfying the world's future demands. Attentiveness over energy supply concerns and the environment has encouraged the research on waste to energy conversion. An alternative fuel produced from the renewable feedstock has received renowned attention. Fats, Oil, and Grease (FOG) is considered as the feedstock for the biodiesel production as it proves to be a cost-effective and heterogeneous raw material. The process modelling for transesterification of FOG using Aspen plus serves an essential function for investigating the process behavior, including performance evaluation. In this presentation, the process modelling for renewable fuel production with different catalyst/operating conditions will be presented. In addition, the other possible ways for energy production from the waste will be addressed.
學經歷 :
2020 – Present, Associate Research Professor (Visiting) – National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan.
2018 – 2020, Associate Professor – Anna University, India.
2014 – 2018, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Anna University, India.
2011 – 2013, M.E., Mechanical Engineering (Internal Combustion Engine), Anna University, India.
2007 – 2011, B.E., Mechanical Engineering, Anna University, India.