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1. Process Integration for Combined Heat and Power System / 2. Publication - Perspective from Journal Editor
Professor Dominic Chwan Yee Foo (符傳藝教授)
摘要 :
1. Process Integration for Combined Heat and Power System
2. Publication - Perspective from Journal Editor
*The first talk is scheduled for 14:00-15:00. The second talk, which is an additional experience sharing, will start after a short break of 10 minutes.
Talk 1
Combined heat and power, (CHP) or commonly known as cogeneration, is a good option to improve industrial energy efficiency. CHP is operated to produce heat and electrical energy from a single fuel source, through gas turbine, steam turbine or a combination of both. A cogeneration system can provide energy utilisation efficiency of 50-70% which is higher than single-generation facilities such as boilers. Moreover, CHP system can be designed to provide steam at different header levels of quality. Besides, the production of electricity through own cogeneration system can reduce reliance on power grid. In this talk, various process integration methods developed for CHP optimisation will be shared.
Talk 2
Rather than being considered as an activity separate from research itself, writing a good paper provides a framework for developing the rationale of meaningful scientific inquiry. It is an inherent part of research, through which the researcher is able to locate his/her work in the broader context of the literature, identify a goal or hypothesis, develop and describe the necessary methodology, and finally interpret findings in coherent manner. Thus, a good journal article is a reflection of the researchers thought processes. In this talk, some common practices in journal editorial will be shared, based on speaker's experiences serving as Chief Editor, Subject Editor and Guest Editors in various international journals.
學經歷 :
Professor Dominic Foo is a Professor of Process Design and Integration at the University of Nottingham Malaysia, and is the Founding Director for the Centre of Excellence for Green Technologies. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE), Fellow of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM), Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM), Chartered Engineer (CEng) with the Engineering Council UK, Professional Engineer (PEng) with the Board of Engineer Malaysia (BEM), ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineers (ACPE), as well as the Past President for the Asia Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering (APCChE). He is top 2% world-renowned scientist according to Stanford List, working in process integration for resource conservation and CO2 reduction. He collaborates with more than 50 research scholars and industrial practitioners over Asia, Europe, North America and Africa. Professor Foo is an active author, with 10 books, more than 200 journal papers and made more than 240 conference presentations, with over 40 keynote/plenary speeches. He served as International Scientific Committees for many important international conferences (CHISA/PRES, FOCAPD, ESCAPE, PSE, SDEWES, etc.). Professor Foo is the Editor-in-Chief for Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability (Springer Nature), Subject Editor for Process Safety & Environmental Protection (Elsevier), and editorial board members for several other renowned journals. He is the winners of the Innovator of the Year Award 2009 of IChemE, Young Engineer Award 2010 of IEM, Outstanding Young Malaysian Award 2012 of Junior Chamber International (JCI), Outstanding Asian Researcher and Engineer 2013 (Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan), Vice-Chancellor’s Achievement Award 2014 (University of Nottingham) and Top Research Scientist Malaysia 2016 (ASM).