

Analyzing Ion Motion in a Nano-Scale Confined Space for Advanced Material Design

Prof. Minyoung Yoon

時間:2023年04月10日 (一) 15:40
主持人:龔仲偉 教授
講者:Prof. Minyoung Yoon
服務單位:Department of Chemistry, Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea
講題:Analyzing Ion Motion in a Nano-Scale Confined Space for Advanced Material Design

摘要 :

學經歷 :

Sep. 2005 – Aug. 2011 Ph. D. Chemistry, POSTECH (Supervisor: Kimoon Kim)
Mar. 2001 – Aug. 2005 B. S. Chemistry, POSTECH (cum laude)

Sep. 2019 – Present Assoc. Prof. Chemistry, Kyungpook National Univ.
Oct. 2021 – Oct. 2022 Vice Dean College of Natural Science, Kyungpook National Univ.
Sep. 2013 – Aug. 2019 Assist. Prof. Chemistry, Gachon Univ.
Nov. 2012 – Aug. 2013 Postdoc Chemistry, UC Berkeley (Supervisor: Jeffrey R. Long)
Aug. 2011 – Oct. 2012 Postdoc Chemistry, POSTECH

Research Areas:
•Development of novel porous materials for practical applications
•Design and synthesis of novel porous materials for proton conductivity
•In-situ analysis (X-ray, neutron, IR, Raman, etc.) of dynamics to understand the mechanism