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Organic Polymers and Their Composites for Electronic and Thermoelectric Application
劉振良 教授
摘要 :
Organic semiconductors have attracted much attention for their potential applications and commercial products such as organic light-emitting diode (OLED) displays, organic field effect transistors (OFETs)-based active matrix display, and organic-based radio frequency identification (RFID) tags, Among these, solution-processable small molecules with high performance and ambient stability are of great interest due to their possibility of a low-cost solution process and high flexibility in molecular design/modification for various electronic/thermoelectric applications. In my talk, we outline the design strategies which aim to develop high performing organic semiconductor materials in the fields of OFETs and organic thermoelectrics (OTEs), a series of solution-processed thiophene-based small molecules are reported and these results indicate that OFETs semiconducting materials can be modulated through successive changes in conjugation length/side chain substituent length and molecular interaction, based on a combination of molecular design and solution-processing technique. OTEs materials can directly transform the waste heat into the electrical power without causing any pollution but their development is limited due to the poor performance especially low conductivity. Doping organic semiconductors and conjugated polymer composites are used for achieving the enhanced performance, and flexible thermoelectric generator based on these materials can be fabricated.
學經歷 :
Prof. Cheng-Liang Liu is a Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at National Taiwan University. He received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Chemical Engineering from National Taiwan University in 2002 and 2007, respectively. He then worked as visiting scientist at the University of Washington (USA) from 2005 to 2006, postdoctoral fellow at National Taiwan University from 2008 to 2010, Assistant Professor at Yamagata University (Japan) from 2010 to 2012, Assistant and Associate Professor at National Central University (Taiwan) from 2012 to 2020, before joining National Taiwan University in 2020. His group focuses on exploring organic polymers and hybrid materials, targeting electronic and energy applications, including transistors, memory devices, solar cells, and thermoelectrics.
1. 學歷
台灣大學化工系博士 (2002-2007)
台灣大學化工系學士 (1998-2002)
2. 經歷
台灣大學材料系 教授 (2022/8-迄今)
Associate Editor, Polymer Journal (IF: 3.135) (2022/7-迄今)
臺灣大學材料系 副教授 (2020/8-2022/7)
Associate Editor, J Taiwan Inst Chem Eng (IF: 5.477) (2018/7-迄今)
科技部工程司循環材料之高值化專案計畫辦公室 共同主持人 (2017/6-2021/7)
中央大學化材系 副教授 (2016/8-2020/7)
中央大學化材系 助理教授 (2012/5-2016/7)
日本山形大學有機元件工程學系 助理教授 (2010/6-2012/4)
台灣大學化工系 博士後研究員 (2008/9-2010/5)
美國華盛頓大學化工系 研究學者 (2006/3-2007/2)
3. 研究榮譽
2022 台灣大學工學院學術勵進獎
2020 科技部 吳大猷先生紀念獎
2020 科技部 年輕學者計畫 (哥倫布計畫)
2019 中國材料科學學會 優秀年輕學者獎
2019 中華民國高分子學會 傑出高分子科技獎
2018 台灣電子材料與元件協會 傑出青年獎
2018 台灣化學工程學會 學術勵進獎
2017 IUMRS-ICA Young Scientist Award (Wiley Award)
2016 65th SPSJ Annnual Meeting (日本高分子年會) Invited Lecturer from Young Scientists