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接枝型雙離子共聚物之抗沾黏表面改質 Antifouling modification through graft-to zwitterionic copolymer
周盈年 教授
摘要 :
The balance-charge with high polarity chemical structure, zwitterion, such as sulfobetaine (SB) and carboxylbetaine (CB), perform strong hydrophilicity and biofouling resistance. The surface grafting of epoxlated zwitterionic copolymer, ploy(glycidyl methacrylate-co-sulfobetaine methacrylate) (poly(GMA-co-SBMA)) is a simple, efficient and robust antifouling modification for versatile materials including ceramic, metal, and plastics. Based the diversity of poly(GMA-co-SBMA), it could be applied to different types of devices, such as the modification of silicone, nanoparticles, biosensor chips, and textile auxiliaries. The grafting principle of poly(GMA-co-SBMA) modified surface is based on the base-induced ring-opening reaction between epoxy groups and hydroxyl groups. The universal surface modification procedure was developed and performed from an optimized sequence of ultra-violet ozone pretreatment and trimethylamine-catalyzed zwitterionization on a selective case of versatile surfaces including silicon wafer, ceramic glass, titanium, steel, and polystyrene.
學經歷 :
南臺科技大學 化材系 助理教授
工業技術研究院材料化學所 研究員
華盛頓大學 訪問學者
成功大學 化工系 博士