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生質聚酯及聚醯胺合成與應用 Bio-based Polyesters and Polyamides: Synthesis and Applications
陳錦文 教授
摘要 :
Bio-based Aliphatic polyester, consisting of different length of CH2 group and ester bonds within the main-chain or side-chain, has been attracted more and more attention in recent years due to its lower melting temperature, reusable, flexibility, thermoplastic, easy processability, and biodegradability. Nevertheless, weaker thermal and mechanical characteristics have been limited in many ways to their suitability for commercial applications. Unsaturated aliphatic polyester has been amended to practice the partial cross-linking via UV curing processing to adjust their physical property or through the cross-linking process with covalent bonds to produce thermoset-like copolyesters, or by combining it with epoxy material. The purpose of this operation is to achieve tremendous physical-chemical properties that provide unique characteristics of copolyesters, such as stronger hardness, higher rigidity, better tensile strength, chemical resistance, and thermal stability. Besides, eco-friendly TPEE foam has been paid attention to by researchers. Microcellular TPEE foams, prepared by scCO2, have outstanding superior compression attributes and low-temperature flexibility. Nonetheless, TPEE foam has frail foamability and acute contraction issues, and its cellular morphology faces severe challenges. The acute contraction issue of TPEE foam is complex and affected by poor melt strength, which causes the collapse or aggregation of bubbles during bubble growth and cell nucleation. Therefore, the crucial design of TPEE is considered an effective and acceptable pathway to improve the foam's dimensional stability and relieve foam shrinkage.
學經歷 :
學歷: 台灣大學高分子科學與工程博士
經歷: 北科大智慧紡織中心研究員、紡織所-副研究員、研究員、台大博士後研究員
專長: 生質聚酯及聚醯胺材料、智慧型紡織品、多尺度模擬計算、高分子形態模擬