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Nanoarchitectonic Engineering towards Small Molecule Conversion
郭俊宏 教授
摘要 :
Fabrication of nanocatalysts with unique architectures provides great opportunities for modulation of catalyst surface states and therefore their catalytic performances including the activity and product selectivity. In this regard, the rational design for the nanoarchitectures upon facile strategies becomes an emerging research direction lately. In this talk, a series of stories about Pd- and Cu-based bimetallic nanocatalysts made by nanoarchitectonic engineering for small molecule conversions such as O2, CO2, and N2 reduction reactions will be introduced.
學經歷 :
2006-2009 國立清華大學化學系博士
2002-2004 國立清華大學化學系博士
1998-2002 國立成功大學化學系學士
2021/08- 國立陽明交通大學應用化學系副教授
2020/06-2021/07 中央研究院化學所副研究員
2013/11-2020/05 中央研究院化學所助理研究員
2012-2013 美國加州大學柏克萊分校博士後研究員
2010-2012 美國波士頓學院博士後研究員
2009-2010 國立清華大學博士後研究員
2006/03-08 國立清華大學研究助理